Root Terrier


This photo was taken on March 18 at 2:56 PM

The location was in the front yard of my Home in Bethesda, Maryland

The "Take It!" came from taking a look at some of the exposed roots that are a part of the pattern for growth with Silver Maple trees. For whatever reason, this tree has its roots spread out on and near the surface rather than moving downward which is the usual way for most trees. As a result of this, having a lawn is a big chore as the roots are constantly sticking up enough to be nicked by the lawn mower and depending upon how deep the cut, showing a scar in due time from the incident. I estimate that the root system on my two trees that are in front of my house are about 60 years old, thus have seen enough combat with lawnmowers to show lots of scars to prove the fights took place. Needless to say, the front lawn is a gnarly mix of grass, moss and last but least, scarred up Maple roots. I keep the trees as they offer a lot of shade for the house in the summer, but they are getting old and loosing some of their branches - so I think they may only have a few more years to be of service.

On one fairly recent day I noticed the two scarred patterns that could be the start of a face of sorts and then picked up the rest of the exposed root in the photograph.  I showed it to several people who are on my appraisal team and had one, instantly recognize the face of a dog.  A terrier to be exact, as spotted a nose and then a tongue hanging out below the nose.  It does not take a long study to agree with this observation.  

The After Take: All to whom I have shown this to - seem to enjoy this discovery that came with outside help.  I make certain to give credit to the person who made the identification.    

I will continue to watch this root pattern as the years go by and if and when I am ready to cut the tree down, I will be certain to save this part of the root system provided it still resembles the pooch.

I hope this catch gives everyone a smile.

We wish you and yours a very Happy Easter.


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Comments: 8
  • #1

    Gabe (Tuesday, 07 April 2015)

    I can't see it. I suppose its like looking at a cloud. Can you give me a hand?

  • #2

    Treehugger (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:43)

    Ha! I see it! That is spot on, what a great observation from whoever that pointed that out to you.

  • #3

    Jim (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:43)

    It took me about 10 minutes but I found it.

  • #4

    thatoneguy (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:44)

    im gunna share this one on twitter its a fun one to try and find

  • #5

    Livin4love (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:46)

    We have a tree in our yard that decided to have exposed roots too. It really is a pain in the butt to try and do yard work around it. I can definitely sympathize with your struggles.

  • #6

    Teri (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:48)

    Our old house had this problem. I once had to get stitches because the mower shot a piece of would out and nicked me in the leg. My husband became our full time grounds keeper after that incident. I felt sorry for him but I wasn't going near it again!

  • #7

    Mike (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:49)

    Time has been cruel to those roots!

  • #8

    Gabe (Tuesday, 07 April 2015 02:50)

    Oh wait I found it. Well I didn't, I had to get some help.