Plant Life Shadow Play


These photos were taken on September 5 at 8:20 AM.


The location was in the City Center District of Washington DC.


The "Take It!" came as I passed this great plant in front of the entrance to a hotel which had undergone a complete renovation and recently opened on a limited basis due to the pandemic.


The morning sun was at an angle which allowed the leaves of this plant to cast shadows on and through the surfaces.  


The randomness of it all was a very enjoyable engagement for me.  I think I could have spent a lot more time with the subject in the attempt to get even more out of the opportunity.


Here is hoping you have found this to be as refreshing as I did in the initial encounter - and find more of the same as I look at the photos at this writing.


Wishing everyone my best,




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Comments: 7
  • #1

    Gabe (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:01)

    Looks like a plant out of Jurassic Park.

  • #2

    SF1967 (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:03)

    The shadows in the 2nd and 3rd photos are really cool.

  • #3

    Jim (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:03)

    I have one of these plants in my house and I have no clue what its called.

  • #4

    Sally (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:04)

    Our daughter was so excited to see a picture of something we have in our home lol.

  • #5

    Teri (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:05)

    Is that graffiti in the background? I'm usually not a fan, but from what I can tell it almost looks commissioned.

  • #6

    GpaJake (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:06)

    Now is the time for businesses to do renovations I suppose.

  • #7

    xXRodriguezXx (Sunday, 25 October 2020 23:08)

    Every time I see a plant I really like it makes me sad I dont have a green thumb. I kill every plant I attempt to keep.