Lady Scratches under the Chin of her Dog - on - Asphalt Canvas Art


This photo was taken on November 22, 2022 at 11:50 AM.


The location was in the street in the 'City Center' district of Washington DC.


The "Take It!" was one of those - take the photo now - as it had a lot of potential - and figure it out later. It took several days to imagine what this stain on the street could be.


I sampled my vision upon several of my informal consultants to check if they could see what I saw - and luck was with me. After letting them know what my imagination saw - before showing them the image in my camera - when I revealed it - they readily agreed - I had made a good call. Whew!


It has been a while since we have had some street art - as I seemed to hit a streak of - just not being able to see it. I am in hopes this sighting is the return of some of these off beat imaginings which have served to amuse us.


Wishing everyone my very best,



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Comments: 5
  • #1

    Jim (Wednesday, 14 December 2022 01:26)

    Took me a minute but I see it.

  • #2

    Sally (Wednesday, 14 December 2022 01:28)

    Our daughter is so good at finding these in seconds.

  • #3

    MHampy (Wednesday, 14 December 2022 01:39)

    I see a whale.

  • #4

    Teri (Wednesday, 14 December 2022 01:40)

    You have the most fun imagination! I can't get enough!!

  • #5

    SF1967 (Wednesday, 14 December 2022 01:40)

    If you turn it sideways it looks like a lighthouse on a cliff.