Summer Expression


This photo was taken on June 26, 2018 at 10:29 AM

The location was at an open plaza in the City Center section of Washington DC.

The "Take It!" Immediately came from the color display along with the care given in the arranging of this buffet made up of primarily tomatoes.

I had a pleasant and informative conversation with the farmer who had the display at this once a week during the summer, farmer's market.  It was a few minutes until they opened for business and his produce was nicely arranged and could not have been much fresher.  He and his family have a fifty acre farm upon which they grow vegetables during the season and sell in a variety of similar markets to the one in which we met.  He told me that it was hard work but they enjoyed it and made a decent income.  His wife and one of their children were with him.

It is great to see such fresh produce during the season. Freshly picked is more flavorful than that found in the big grocery stores during the rest of the year which has been shipped in from all over the world. One hears the stories of tomatoes actually ripening while in transit - which to me - is amazing.  

Next Tuesday I plan on taking a cooler with me on my route and purchasing some of the brown heritage tomatoes he had on display. He described them as being almost sweet - which will be a different experience for me to try.

Here is hoping you all have similar availability to fresh produce in this summer time of bounty.

Best wishes to each of you,

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