Refreshments are Served


These photos were taken on July 21, 2020.

The location was at my home in Beltsville, Maryland.

The "Take It!”  came from my slowly realizing I may be engaging in what might be a worthwhile pass along.  

For some weeks now that summer is in full record breaking heat swing - I have been puting out soft drinks in an ice filled ziplock bag - for the sanitation workers that pick up our neighborhood trash. There are three cans: one for the driver of the truck and the other two for each of the pick em up folks that are out there doing the heavy lifting. On a few occasions I have been out there when they made their stop at my house. We exchange thank you's as they are a very important part of how this whole thing keeps working.

I know this sort of gesture cannot work for everybody - but where it can - please give it a try - you will be sincerely appreciated.

While spending this much time at home has its moments of feeling a bit confined - I am finding I am able to take on and clear up many projects which is very satisfying.  

I miss being out and about - where there are viewing's of many interesting things available - and subject matter for photographs.  I hope everyone will be able to stay with us - as we sometimes get into the small stuff.  Amazingly enough - sometimes the small stuff can in time - loom large.

We wish everyone good health and even the chance for new found happiness.


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Comments: 8
  • #1

    Jim (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:18)

    What a great idea, I am going to start doing it.

  • #2

    Sally (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:19)

    My favorite type of favor, the "pay it forward" favor.

  • #3

    Gabe (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:20)

    The trash trucks here are a giant truck with only a driver and a mechanical arm that grabs the can, so it wouldnt work here for trash men.

  • #4

    SF1967 (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:20)

    Simple acts of kindness like this go a long way in times like these.

  • #5

    Teri (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:21)

    You are making the world a better place with gestures like these. It is really an amazing site to see.

  • #6

    MHampy (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:22)

    We had fun with this one, trying to find ways we could do something similar for people.

  • #7

    thatoneguy (Wednesday, 12 August 2020 20:22)

    you sir are a gentleman and scholar

  • #8

    Bruce (Thursday, 13 August 2020 13:22)

    Thank you all for your kind comments with regard to setting out refreshments. It was especially gratifying to see some ready to give this gesture a try at their locations. I hope it works out well. As for my being a gentleman and a scholar - I am most appreciative of the high praise. I have to state - that it is a constant challenge for which I thank you all for your encouragement - which keeps me in the hunt, to have each day be as good as it can be.

    On a very separate note. My part time job has started back up on a trial basis. It is for three days a week rather than the former five. It has been a very big mix of response - as I am seeing some of the familiar faces (behind masks) and these have been joyous exchanges. Then there are those who have been furloughed for whom - I ask those lucky enough to remain - to pass along my greetings and heartfelt good wishes for their well being. It is a time for the counting of blessings.